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Space Availability - Delaware Library

Group Study Rooms are solely for the use of current Delaware Law School students.

There are twelve (12) study rooms that can be reserved by Widener Delaware Law students. Study rooms are to be booked by groups of 2 or more students. There are three (3) study rooms that may be booked as a single - Study Room #1, #5, & #12.

Study rooms #1 - #10  are located on the third floor of the Law Library, Study rooms #11 & #12 are located on the second floor.  There must be a minimum of two (2) students using the study rooms (except for Study Room #01, #5, & #12).  Study Rooms may be booked for up to 3 hours and the hours must be booked consecutivelyPlease do not have the other individual members of your group request timeslots, they will be denied. This ensures study rooms are used in the fairest way possible.

Study Room reservations have a 30 minute grace period, after which the Study Room will be available for reservation by other groups/person.

The passes (and keys if needed) for the Study Rooms are at the Circulation Desk. Please go to the Circulation Desk before going to the Study Room so the pass can be checked out to you.  Please return the study room pass (and key) when your reservation time ends. **This is a good time to check out a dry erase kit.**

You may be asked for your Study Room approval email, so please retain it.

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding